hopefully sooner rather than later, mine will be answered like yours were. I have been praying on & off for what seems like 2 years now, for someone I love and care for dearly to find God and turn to faith, as well as us reconciling. Some days I get frustrated and find splice...
(cf. Deut 4:29; 6:5). Solomon appears as a faithfulstudent of theShema‘ Yisrael.We may detect a more subtle emotionalaspect to the reflection upon humaninsight in Wis 9:13–16, which is embedded into the prayer of chapter 9.49In thispassage, the praying Solomon poses the rhetorical ...
hopefully sooner rather than later, mine will be answered like yours were. I have been praying on & off for what seems like 2 years now, for someone I love and care for dearly to find God and turn to faith, as well as us reconciling. Some days I get frustrated and find splice...