For all those who are sick or suffering, and especially those who are near death, that they would experience a happy death, free of pain and loneliness, we pray to the Lord.Response: Lord, hear our prayer.For all the faithful departed in Christ, that perpetual light would shine upon ...
Wedding Topics Prayer of the faithful (general intercessions or Universal Prayer) at a Catholic wedding The prayer of the faithful, also known as the general intercessions or the Universal Prayer, follow immediately after the blessing and exchange of rings. The presider or a lector reads each p...
It was Thursday night, and I was at home trying to write the prayers of the faithful for Sunday Mass, something I do for my parish every six weeks.LaReau, Renee M
Prayers for theEntrance Rite Opening Prayer Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful) Prayers from theCatholic Rite of Marriage Prayers for theLiturgy of the Eucharist Prayers from theConcluding Rite Lighting the Unity Candle
St. Paul, Protector of the Faithful Remnant, pray for us. St. Francis of Assisi, Re-builder of the Church, pray for us. St. Anthony, Hammer of Heretics, pray for us. St. Pius V, Champion of the Tridentine Mass, pray for us. ...
Litanies: Prayers Of Petition And Praise Litanies are for more than just complaints! The faithful have prayed these responsive petitions to our Lord, our Lady, and the Saints in loving devotion, both publicly and privately, for centuries. ...
These prayers for particular intentions or graces have been a great source of comfort and strength for the faithful for centuries. They are typically said as public or private devotions over nine consecutive days, or on one day a week for nine weeks. (The word “novena” itself is derived ...
“Liturgical prayer would soon become powerless were the faithful not to take a real share in it, or at least not to associate themselves to it in heart. It can heal and save the world, but only on the condition that it be understood. Be wise, then, ye children of the Catholic Church...
Alphonsus Liguori During the Turkish occupation of the Holy Land in the late Middle Ages, when pilgrims were prevented from visiting its sacred sites, the custom arose of making replicas of those holy places, where the faithful might come to pray. One of the most popular of Read More Prayers...
The opening of the Holy Door at the basilica officially kicked off the Jubilee year,a church traditiondating to 1300 that nowadays occurs every 25 years and involves the faithful coming to Rome on pilgrimages. “The first Holy Door I opened at Christmas in St. Peter’s. I wanted the second...