Jesus Will Do It Lord's Prayer Living Alone Miraculous Prayer of the Little Flower My Daily Prayer Mysteries of Life Prayer Nicene Creed Plead Blood of Jesus Prayer to the Holy Spirit I Prayer to the Holy Spirit II Prayer to the Holy Spirit III Prayer of Jabez Prayer for Others Praying fo...
Trauma, abuse, childhood wounds, and toxic relationships have broken us. But there is no shame in brokenness. In fact, it’s in our brokenness where the healing power of Jesus comes to find us. Brave Enough to Be Brokenis a biblical road map you can use to heal from the pain, the ...
Edit page Add to list Track Pastor George is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a businessman, a philanthropist, a helper and builder of the Kingdom of God. But he has enemies. He also has a prophetic gift. The enemy of his soul is against his business, ...See more...
The prayer to the sacred heart of Jesus is one of the most powerful prayers in all Catholicism. There are several sacred heart prayers and novenas that can be used in one’s daily prayer. This prayer will bring you closer to Jesus. You too can rest your head upon the heart of Jesus ...
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. Morning Offering O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union...
Millions of Catholics have had their prayers answered by God by invoking the intercession of the great saints of the Church. Jesus said, "where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them." The Pray app enables friends and communities to pray novenas ...
Gifts for Baby Jesus: From My "What-I-have-failed-to-do" list Dec 31, 2024 As Epiphany follows New Year's Day, let the Christ Child give you a great way to keep your New Year's resolutions! The transcription for this Podcast can be found at
A country that says it is a “Christian Nation” should follow the teachings of Jesus. This would include feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, and healing the sick – for starters. It would be concerned with mercy. Justice wouldn’t be about revenge, but redempti...
Gifts for baby Jesus: From my "What-I-have-failed-to-do" list Dec 31, 24 11:01 AM As Epiphany follows New Year's Day, let the Christ Child give you a great way to keep your New Year's resolutions! Read More The wonder of Christmas: Jesus’ birth in humility gives us great hope...
Prayers of devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus are a great way to keep His sacrifice for us at Calvary front and center in our minds throughout the year, in addition to during the Lenten season, when we traditionally focus on our Lord’s Passion through prayers such as the Stations ...