There is a lot to be said for tradition! Generations of worshipping congregations have included set prayers within the opening section of their weekly services. These generally cover the themes of adoration, thanksgiving and confession. And somehow that seems just right. Why is that? We begin ...
Lord, thank you for allowing us to all gather here safely tonight to worship your word. Please guide us in our thoughts as we read from the Bible and take the messages from it you have left for us to learn from. Do not let your words fall upon deaf ears. Please help us apply your...
opening prayers with two contemporary prayers for beginning a church worship service, and a short school assembly prayer. house blessings featuring creative ideas for praying for your new home, and a prayer suitable for sending as a message in a card. birthday prayer messages with a prayer...
Open my heart, Lord, so that I may freely offer You all my thoughts, joys, and struggles. May my heart be a place of worship, surrender, and gratitude, continually seeking to align with Your will. Fill it with Your peace and love, so that I may reflect Your grace to others. ...
East Jerusalem by Palestinians, including access to worship at Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary)forFridayprayers. 以色列在这一天对巴勒斯坦平民的镇压 还包括完全封闭西岸和对行动自由,特别是巴勒斯坦人进入被占领的东耶路撒冷 (包括去尊贵禁地进行星期五祈祷)进...
Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer - - Secrets for Husbands - - Power Prayer for Men - - Life-changing prayer for fathers - - Power Prayer for Women - - The Truth about Evolution Linksto All ourFull Armor of GodPrayers Psalm 133 ...
How we worship you, as we remember the moment when your love conquered. When out of the cave of sorrow Jesus arose to release forgiveness to the world. And each time we encounter this resurrection day we are again lifted to an eternal place. Our sin, brokenness and darkness fall away an...
(cf. also Rom. 11:4; Php. 2:10). Isaiah is saying, “Look. He is our Deliverer. He is our Provider. He defeats our enemies. Let’s bow down and praise him. Let’s bow down and worship him. This is the correct posture of the heart when coming before God.” And that is ...
We gathered for worship and Holy Communion and I was given the privilege to be the preacher. The lessons for this Sunday included a bit of the Sermon on the Mount. Our Lord teaching the disciples to pray their prayer. How sweet is that? I have just come down from the Mountain, I ...
10 Powerful Prayers to Help You Fight for the Heart of Your Daughter: 1. Give my daughter a deep desire to listen to You, Lord, and pray often, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” (Joshua 5:14b). 2. Let her learn early in life that to obey You, God, is the ...