This is a collection of morning and evening prayers and reflections for every day of the month for private or communal use. The author draws on the Bible, particularly the Psalms, the liturgy, the Fathers, Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox and Protestant sources and Celtic spirituality, concentrating ...
Prayers for God’s People Part 1 扬声器 Lawrence Bowlin 已录入 类别 没有系列 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2024年4月7日 周日服务 Jesus High Priestly Prayers 若翰傳福音之書 17:6-12 44241612212617 75 下载 分享 最新讲道 Perspectives on the Millennium Lawrence Bowlin 2024年8月25日 使徒若翰顯示之...
Articles for spiritual growth, empowerment and to overcome darkness and defeat. Restoring those who have ruined their lives through relationship with God.
You are the Source of all healing and restoration. We praise You for Your abundant grace and mercy. In our hour of need we seek Your loving hands, that You may tenderly reach out to touch us with Your healing power. InJames 5:14-15you say,“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call ...
God of Grace, We are a people who are being stressed and stretched to our limits… even if all we are doing is staying in the shelter of our own homes–our imaginations can run wild. We gather virtually because we long for community, ...
Thank God for (others') unanswered prayers: the failure of the drug war … cheap drugs … lower rates of serious crime … the logic adds up, but what next? Observes that prayers are the words of God's people spoken to God. They are also words which people speak about God. Examines ...
Your lifechanges forever the minute you decide to become a father. You are now in charge of a person's education in both thought and society. When they are having a hard time, they come to you for advice. In the same way that God depends on you for the care and upbringing of his ...
As God's children, each of us was lovingly designed and created by our Heavenly Father. This gift of life is the most precious gift we will ever receive, so we should be eternally thankful for it. We know that this gratitude is also one of God's commandments.1 Thessalonians 5:18tells...
In the wake of the tragic Texas church shooting, Texas pastorJordan Haynie Wire shares a message: Meaningful prayer necessitates meaningful action.
As the saying goes, “A family that prays together stays together.” Praying with our families strengthens our bond. Find powerful prayers for family asking God to bless your family with health, protection and peace!