When her home was destroyed by a fire? “Hallelujah. God is good.” When her youngest son was killed at war defending his country’s freedom? “Hallelujah. God is good.” When God miraculously saved her son and daughter-in-law’s marriage?
For something like marriage you could call out through the name Ya Wadud (the Most Loving) or Ya Wali (the Protecting Friend), please help me find a loving spouse, or please grant me a righteous spouse, or please make my nikah this year a success. If you want to make a du’a regar...
You just don’t know how I needed this 10 prayers for Daughter’s today, My Daughter Ashley is in an abusive marriage with two small children right now, still at home, but in the process of getting out, I’m so worried she’s going to be hurt, before she gets out. I would love ...
In any transition of energy we need stability, civility and a marriage of the male and female in balance is communion with each other so that the negative shadow does not take over. We are at a precipice and we need to keep in mind and ask the question within ourselves… what model do...
This Chinese tale, variations of it, and other stories about the Fish Basket goddess portray her, in varying degrees, as a seductress, one who uses the bait of sexuality or promise of marriage to enlighten men. In the end, however, she remains a virgin. Her imagery as seductress is a ...
A valid terminus ante for the compilation of the Liber Vitae may well be the marriage of Charlemagne and Fastrada in the autumn of 783, as Fastrada was already listed as Queen in the Salzburg Liber Vitae. The present form of the early medieval section of Codex A1, stored in the Salzburg...