Thanksgiving. A time set aside –set aside– for giving thanks to our Creator for the many benefits He gives to us with an open hand. As lovely as Christmas is, it isn’t a time for Christmas yet. Rather, Thanksgiving is a special, precious time of thinking, therefore seeing, our bl...
As for the good late Prince Aly Khan-who was a straight dealer and a fine friend to Kate McCloud-as for Aly, the only thing that Feydeau-farce brigade shuffling through his bed sheets really wanted to know was: is it true this stud can go an hour a time five times a day and never...
13. Wishing you health, wealth, and love. You are the best people in my life – and I thank Allah for you every day. My family and friends, this is the greatest gift of all – celebrating Ramadan together and wishing each other safe travels during this holy month. Love and peace arou...
Kannon's powers have been expanded to include the ’suppression of senility’ (boke-fuji 呆け封じ), and s/he has become a central figure in Pokkuri-Dera ポックリ寺, or temples where the elderly -- those lacking adequate family support -- go to pray for a sudden or painless death. ...