Father God, I thank You that You are compassionate, merciful and faithful in Your love for me. I thank you that You know every thread of every thought I have. You care deeply when I hurt and You care deeply when I am joyful. Help me to come to you inprayerwith all my worries, pa...
Father, you can heal us in a heartbeat. We pray for Your miraculous healing today. From depression, life-long disease, sudden failures, addictions and massive handicaps. We pray for miraculous healing because we know you are as capable of fixing our physicalities as you are to hold the oce...
Dear Lord, forgive me for sometimes coming to You for help only after I have exhausted all efforts to handle the problem on my own. Please fill me with a peace that surpasses all understanding. Grant me spiritual healing, and help me see You working in and through me. Thank You for alw...
Aretha had named Oprah Winfrey, the Emmy winning talk show hostess; Johnnie Cochran, the criminal defense attorney renowned for his successful representation of OJ Simpson; and — of all people — me.
Pray the Rosary online How to pray the Rosary Behold 2020pray the Novena in honour of Our Lady of Walsingham A 3-minute retreat Sacred space Come pray the rosary My book of prayers You can find e-books from Pilgrim Publishing here
“Been struggling a lot. Just feeling super disconnected and weird.” “I always bounce back so I’m not worried just wanted to reach out and ask for [you] guys to pray for me,“ the 25-year-old singer added. “God is faithful and ur prayers really work thanks .. the most human ...
And I want to be the one to set anyone straight who messes with my kids. Can you relate on any level? I think most moms can. We love these people entrusted to us more than we ever knew possible. And despite all the infant sleepless nights, toddler tantrums, tween eye rolling, and ...
(Stop here, pass the frame around the room. Starting with yourself first, share with the group what you are struggling with. For me it was my past. It’s hard for me to see myself as free and strong instead of a victim.)