Prayers for My FatherWhidden, LynnCanadian Folk Music
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4. A Prayer to Prepare My Heart for Christ’s Coming Father, just as You sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus, help me to clear the path in my heart, too. Show me the distractions that block me from the worship of You this Advent. Lord, I await Your coming! As I...
Prayers for Challenging Times These are the beginning to my day. A simple prayer as the first post of my day. Latest from the Blog Get new content delivered directly to your inbox.
Dear Heavenly Father, Creator of the universe and all good things, We are so very grateful for Your hand on this nation, The United States. From its inception Your hand of direction and blessing was on it. You led our founders in righteous direction and gave them Your way to set governme...
Next, a prayer from a soon-to-be new father. “Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of my wife and unborn child. I am so happy to help bring a child into this world and raise them as a devoted Christian. To know you and your word is a gift. Please help me deliver your word to...
May these New Year Prayers inspire faith and hope as we step into 2025. Gathered here are powerful prayers and blessings for the new year from traditional and contemporary supplications of faith, hope, wisdom, and love.
Prayer for Emotional Strength: Heavenly Father, during these trying times, I seek emotional strength and stability. The weight of hardships can be overwhelming, but I know that Your love provides a refuge. Grant me the ability to manage my emotions, find peace in chaos, and remain steadfast ...
An excerpt from LIVE RIGHT NOW Author DR. SABRINA D. BLACK, P117 —– LET US PRAY —– Father, how great you are! I thank you for being so kind and compassionate to me. Thank you that you have given me …Continue reading→
Prayer for Healing Almighty and merciful Father, by the power of your command, drive away from me all forms of sickness and disease. Restore strength to my body and joy to my spirit, so that in my renewed health, I may bless and serve you, now and forevermore. ...