65 O all the spirits of God, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. 66 O the fire and heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. 67 O the winter cold and summer heat, bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all forever. 68 O the dews...
Do not panic. Do not fall into overwhelm. This message is to bring your awareness to this issue and to calmly observe it while asking for guidance on the subject, to connect with those who are like minded in which you can connect and help each other if necessary. I do not feel we wi...
I renounce and forsake any vows, covenants, pledges, oaths and agreements made with man, idol, false spiritual leaders, and invoking the names of demonic spirits that have been done by me or my ancestors. Father, for us for shedding innocent blood, for committing abominations, and for hatred...
If my parents’ or grandparents’ sins have exposed me to any form of demonic illness or generationally inherited curses, by the power of the Lord, God Almighty, I take the sword of the Spirit and cut myself free. I command all evil spirits of infirmity, sickness and disease to leave m...
If my parents’ or grandparents’ sins have exposed me to any form of demonic illness or generationally inherited curses, by the power of the Lord, God Almighty, I take the sword of the Spirit and cut myself free. I command all evil spirits of infirmity, sickness and disease to leave ...
Prayer – repent for tolerating this spirit in leadership. Cast it out and trample that spirit. Forgive us Lord. Take authority over that spirit. By the Name, blood, and the Power of the Lamb we rebuke Satan and every demonic spirit of control, manipulation, rejection, fear, intimidation.....
In the Name of Jesus, I close this entry point to the demonic. I rescind any permission the forces of darkness have to enter. I close off this room to the Domain of Darkness. Any dark spirits, get out. You must go. I release the Kingdom of God in this place. ...
Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free. I order these curses and claims utterly disarmed and dismantled now, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, and in his name. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all demonic spirits that have gained access to me through curses and ...