Saint Charbel, please intercede on behalf of my son, Christopher. Ask Jesus to heal him fully and restore what has been lost. Doctors say that there is no hope, but they cannot speak for God, our Divine Physician. The impossible, is possible, with God. I come to you in full faith an...
What if a former alcoholic could deliver a present alcoholic? What if a person who had survived an illness, could deliver a person who is ill now? What if a person who has overcome depression could deliver someone else with depression? What if a former suicidal person could deliver ...
( drink alcoholic-ie when I drink). The guilt, shame and remorse of my past behaviors has been so challenging for me and my several counselors throughout the decades. I’m 55 years old and my last years I want to live Christ-like longer than I was addicted. My dedication grows each ...
I chalked it up to her being an alcoholic, going through menopause and just an unhappy person. I did some research 2.5 years ago and learned that she showed most if not all of the traits of a covert/vulnerable/mid range narcissist. I knew nothing about narcissism all of this time, but...