Whether it's your first time praying or you’ve been communicating with God through prayer for your whole life, the new year is always a good reason to talk to the Lord. We should give thanks to Him for what He has given us the previous year and what He has awaiting us in the futu...
Revelers around the globe are bidding farewell to a decade that will be remembered for the rise of social media, the Arab Spring, the #MeToo movement and, of course, President Donald Trump.
It’s almost a New Year and I can sense so many changes on the horizon not only in our world but in me, my home and my family. Life gets crazy sometimes and it’s hard to make sense of what’s up or down. There are so many distractions, news stories and bits of information com...
Dear God, Thank You for new beginnings. This is an incredible day, with a fresh year's potential stretched out before me. I want to be faithful this year in every opportunity You bring to me. Thank You, Lord, for new beginnings. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. -Pastor David McGe...
Amen." Prayer for Peaceful Sleep: "Heavenly Father, as I lay down to sleep, relieve the worries of my heart. Grant me peace throughout the night and protect me from all harm. May Your angels guard me and bring me safely to a new day. In Jesus' name, Amen."...
3. A Prayer for a New Day "I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." - Psalm 16:8 Dear God, Thank You for another day. Please watch over my family and friends. Thank You! Amen. Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/beerphotographer...
Church YearHoly Week Prayer|Palm Sunday Prayer|Maundy Thursday Prayer|Good Friday Prayer|Holy Saturday Prayer|Easter Prayer to the Risen Christ|Holy Cross Day Prayer Other Holidays And SeasonsPrayer For A New Year|Memorial Day Prayer|July Fourth (American Independence Day) Prayer|Labor Day Prayer|...
May the works of your hands make you proud this month. May your labour yield bountiful harvest. May your mouth be filled with laughter. Have a super month. A new month is here. Get ready for a great harvest. Get ready for prosperity. It shall be well with you. Happy new month. ...
(Suggestion: visit me at my regular blog for 2020:matterofprayer: A Year of Everyday Prayers. #PursuePEACE – and my other blog,A Year of Being Kind. Thanks! Leave a comment Posted inUncategorized TaggedActs 2,breath,flames,followers of Jesus,Good News,Holy Spirit,mighty wind,power,reconci...
66. Here’s to a long and happy marriage! 67. I am so happy that you have found the true love of your life, and May this love of yours may bloom in every season! 68. I’m so happy for you and your new hubby! I can’t wait to see your wedding photos. You looked so stunnin...