Forgivenet, a sacred online space. Write a Confession, Send a letter to God, & Ask for forgiveness | Ask for forgiveness and Confession
He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life ...
For 64 years the power and profundity of this night has amazed me so. As a child peering over the back of the sofa staring at the Atlanta winter night, my eyes would scan the sky searching the twinkling starlight above. Back then I was full of awe and wonder and believed in the magi...
confessing your sins to a priest. You’ve gotten your mortal sins, and perhaps venial as well, off your chest. Your conscience is clear of the gloomy haze of guilt, regret, and shame over your transgressions. Now you feel restored from God’s forgiveness and more fully able to share His...
Give me the strength to ask for forgiveness and then change my ways. ~Sarah Martin, from “The Awe & Wonder of Advent: Day 18” 5. Advent Prayer: Burning Zeal O Lord God, at the first coming of your Son Jesus Christ, you sent John the Baptist in the spirit and power of Elijah ...
Put away from him (her) the spirit of disease and of every disease, pain and fever to which he (she) is bound; and if he (she) has sins and transgressions, grant to him (her) remission and forgiveness, in that You love mankind; yea, Lord my God, pity Your creation, through the...
A New Year Prayer for Love Dear God, Thank you that you are a loving, gracious God. Thank you that you’ve offered us forgiveness and the gift of new life in you. Thank you that your love is perfect, it never fails, and that nothing can separate us from your love. ...
Lord, I ask for Your anointing and Your presence to surround me as we pray. Please use this prayer to make me well, for Your glory. If any sins need to be confessed and forgiven, reveal them to me, and I humbly ask for Your cleansing and forgiveness. ...
I believe that the LORD Jesus Christ died to save me from myself. I believe that if I am humble and fall at His Cross asking for forgiveness, He is faithful, and Just to forgive me. This is what Scripture reveals! However, I do believe that I need to...
26 Best Carrot Recipes for Dinner and Dessert Is Dutch Bros. Open on Easter Sunday 2024? Easter Movies to Watch with the Whole Family Our Best Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Get Egg-cited About These DIY Easter Basket Ideas Super-Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas for All Ages ...