Bishops are in great need of our prayers as they work to lead the Church faithfully and to fight the attacks of the devil against the Church in our modern world. Novena for Broken Families - Members of broken families suffer a great deal from lack of financial and emotional stability, ...
“He who neglects mental prayer needs not a devil to carry him to Hell, but he brings himself there with his own hands.”St. John of the Cross, said: “Without the aid of mental prayer, the soul cannot triumph over the forces of the demon.”The MEDITATION page is there to help ...
Prayer to Our Lady of Hope 0 Lady of Mental Peace, Mother of Tranquility and Mother of Hope, look upon me in this time of my weakness and unrest. Teach my searching heart to know that God's Love for me is unchanging and unchangeable; and, that true human love can only begin and gro...
“He who neglects mental prayer needs not a devil to carry him to Hell, but he brings himself there with his own hands.”St. John of the Cross, said: “Without the aid of mental prayer, the soul cannot triumph over the forces of the demon.”The MEDITATION page is there to help ...