Uplifting and inspiring prayers, scripture, poems & more! Discover prayers by topics, find daily prayers for meditation or submit your online prayer request.
Julie Palmer from Prayerscapes leads us in prayer on a range of topics including praying for healing, prayers for our children and loved ones, and daily prayers for protection and strength. creative prayer teaching Julie shares creative ideas on how to pray, including how to open a meeting in...
Day 5Pray for hisspiritual growth. Pray he would be deeply rooted in the Word, that he would bear much fruit for the kingdom of God. Pray he would grow into a leader in his church, family and community, and lead others to a stronger relationship with Christ by his example. [Colossians...
where I speak on certain topics from a Biblical perspective, but the ideal, regular method of Bible teaching and preaching is exposition. As a family we have studied, verse-by-verse and chapter-by-chapter, through Genesis, Exodus, Esther, Proverbs, Habakkuk, Luke, Acts, Romans, and 1 John...
287092Posts in27576Topics by3790Members Latest Member:Goodwin ChristiansUnite Forums Prayer Prayer Requests(Moderator:admin) Pages:[1]23...46 SubjectStarted byRepliesViewsLast post CHOICE THREADS AND TOPICSnChrist332900June 05, 2009, 04:06:26 AM ...
Good inspirational Christian prayer quotes and sayings suitable for sending to friends and loved loves. Topics cover the power of prayer, healing, faith, hope, family life and answered prayer.
Here are some suggested topics for your prayer guide: salvation, protection, leadership, ministry opportunity, deliverance from temptation, etc. When you pray for a missionary you should pray that God will give them protection on the field, that they will be able to witness effectively and that...
and Methodist church denominations The site now covers many famous prayers, such as the "Serenity Prayer" and "The Lord is my Shepherd", as well as a section on how to pray to God and various prayer topics (for example, prayer for children, health and healing, work and family life). ...
Spend some of your phone time for a higher purpose. Quickly post prayer requests and pray for others. It's free and easy to use. Connect With Others Create and join groups with your friends and family, use #keywords to pray for specific topics. Keep up with those you care about. ...
Spend some of your phone time for a higher purpose. Quickly post prayer requests and pray for others. It's free and easy to use. Connect With Others Create and join groups with your friends and family, use #keywords to pray for specific topics. Keep up with those you care about. Grow...