Do you find yourself in need of prayer looking for work these days? We offer this prayer to St. Joseph for Employment printed below in the hope it might provide some relief and comfort to those of you caught in this position. Dear Saint Joseph, you were yourself once faced with the resp...
In that wonderful book, The Desire of Ages, by E.G. White, the greatest spiritual life of Christ ever written, we find these suggestions about praying in the name of Jesus Christ: “In Christ’s name His followers are to stand before God. Through the value of the sacrifice made for th...
If you’re looking for scripture for strength to encourage yourself or someone else, you will find some excellent bible quotes below. We have diligently searched the Scriptures to find the best 20 verses we could find on the subject of strength. Read them all and let them be rooted in your...
to always honor thee as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to thee. Amen. Prayer Testimonies Does the St Jude Prayer work? Here are just a few of the many testimonies we’ve received from people who have prayed to St. Jude in ourPrayer Community, and hav...
I pray for myself, that I may see the will of Creator and have the power to carry that out. I pray for my family and the others of the sacred circle, which at this moment is this prayer circle, that they may have what they need to find love and peace in this life. Next, I ...
St. Lucy is therefore the patroness of sight. St. Lucy shows up fairly often in Dante’s great Divine Comedy. She is first in the Inferno. It is Lucy who asked Beatrice to help Dante. In Purgatory the eagle that bears Dante upward in a dream is actually Lucy who is bearing him to ...
Scott and husband, Danny; sister-in-law, Kathy Dunn; many wonderful nieces, nephews, and special cousins; former wife, Linda; step-daughter, Donna; and step-granddaughter, Taylor. Charles was in construction all of his life and he loved to work, to see things come together and just to ...
3. Learn how to be taught and comforted by the HOLY SPIRIT! Having given my life to our FATHER IN HEAVEN to do YESHUA’YAH’S/JESUS’S work, I hope to be going wherever my GOOD SHEPHERD wants me, to follow HIM and do our FATHER IN HEAVEN Will as HE prepares me through the HOLY...
If you want your request to be viewed publicly, put your prayer request in the comment box below. If your request is private and you don't want the world to see it, you can e-mail me with your request at I will pray for each a
Today the tradition of praying to Saint Anthony in order to find one’s future spouse is particularly well known in Latin America and Portugal; Pope Francis recalled this in a conversation with students in Padua: “In Argentina we have great veneration for St Anthony;he is the patron of youn...