My sense of justice and my compassionate heart keep me from giving up completely, but I’ll admit I’ve gotten discouraged. I stopped watching and reading the news for a while. I stopped posting about needs I know about. I stopped doing anything to promote the work we are doing. I even...
Read A Prayer of Hope for a Broken Home by Jennifer Slattery - inspiration for making home and food!
In the name of the father and in name son and in the name of holy spirt , i am mainy from india asking for restoring nd reconcile my broken relationship with kiran kanth and lead to godmarriage amen Reply Anonymous says: September 3, 2024 at 6:44 am My prayer requests are: To...
Thank You for Your steadfast love. Thank You for restoring all that is broken and redeeming every difficult situation. I ask You to be with our government leaders and guide them in their decisions. Help them not to react in fear. Let them draw near to You to get wisdom and knowledge. H...
So the first step is to loosen the relationship between my sense of “I” and my experience by seeing that the “I” who is experiencing these things is separate from them. My true self is not depressed, but the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that I am entertaining are depressing. If I...
the prayers in the Diary of Private Prayer reveal those connections between the love of Jesus in his earthly life, its culmination in his death on the Cross, its reproduction in the Christian community, and its source and origin in the love of God for a fallen world and a broken humanity...
So, what does this have to do with a prayerful pondering? Investing well always pays off. Invest in your relationship with God, with family, with friends, in your work. If any of those relationships suffer, repair them if you can, and keep moving forward. (The one relationship always r...
but it takes a diviner endowment, a more powerful energy than earnestness or genius or thought to break the chains of sin, to win estranged and depraved hearts to God, to repair the breaches and restore the Church to her old ways of purity and power. Nothing but this holy unction can do...
contractors are putting the finishing touches on the fence my neighbor put up for his new puppies. A truck just passed by that needs a muffler repair. I hear a mower a few yards down the street. An airplane just flew overhead on its last turn before getting into the landing pattern in...