God awoke in me my need to tell church leaders to wake up their congregations. Only a sleeping nation could let a small, seemingly insignificant, group of people force the silent Christian majority into submitting to such atrocities as we have had dumped upon us. If we were awake in 1962...
We want everyone to be prayed over, so keeping a prayer list for ongoing needs in the church family still makes sense. But if you want to fire on your prayer meeting, open the mic for personal prayer requests and watch for spontaneous combustion. None of this happens overnight. It requi...
open形— 坦率形 · 直白形 open名— 开场名 · 正面名 捭 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) follow local meeting conventions suchasopeningwithaprayerorhaving the local authority open ...
and the Word was God. This word became flesh (Jesus) and dwelt among us. Prior to the word dwelling among us, he had been with God. While on earth, he understood that the earthly dimension required that we speak with and remain connected with the father. Prayer was the ...
that church leaders may not be so involved since this tends to be divisive and counter-productive. Please pray for wisdom as we seek to be ambassadors of the Kingdom of heaven, and that we may keep off such earthly affairs as may jeopardize ...
The Second Vatican Council, a meeting of Catholic Church leaders from across the globe, began in 1962 and concluded in 1965. Out of Vatican II came calls for a more open dialogue between the Catholic Church and its people. Some clergy attempted to reach the masses by introducing innovative p...
In the Western Church, gradually the appearance of the three kings at the nativity of Christ’s birth and the wedding feast of Cana were additionally associated with Epiphany. Giotto Wedding at Cana. 13th Century Thinking about all this, it seems to me that each of those Holy events ...
I Have a Confession to Make written byJeffrey Miller Early in my journey within the Church, I experienced many visceral negative reactions. One was the terminology of the “Reconciliation Room”, compared to the “Confessional Booth.” Part of this was just my ignorance in thinking that reconcil...
Recruit a core group to help you plan this event. Schedule a meeting place and time on September 7th. Promote this event in the church newsletter. Create a promotional flyer or postcard to invite grandparents from your church as well as those grandparents you know who do not attend your chu...
As the Rev. Simpson reminds us,Pentecost is not simply a day to remember the birth of the Church, but it is also a day to celebrate the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, the dynamite of God, active and present in each believer’s life and heart.It is God’s power working in us an...