Start small, be kind to someone and find a way to help someone who cannot repay. It will be hard but the muscle will grow. Get out from your lonely internal place. Let God pull back the drapes to your heart and let the light shine in again. You won’t feel anything but know this...
Take healthy vegan food to someone you know could use it Call someone and tell them how much they mean to you Speak to yourself gently and with love Take time alone in nature Have play dates with friends and family Have play dates with your inner child and do something he or she would...
Centering prayer prompts us to lay down our burden and determine to stop worrying. Not just as a mindfulness exercise but with the God who loves us in full view. To see the anxiety for what it is – a tool used against us to take our peace away. To recognize that the depression we ...
Thanksgiving Prayer with Mother of Perpetual Help Holy Octave of Consecration to God Our Father Prayer Prayer for God's Help in Daily Actions Prayer for Peace GOD LOVES YOU Prayer to God in Times of Depression Jesus Christ Prayers Dear Jesus ...
Especially in Tibet, a wheel with Buddhist prayers written on it. Each time someone makes it turn a complete revolution is equivalent to saying a prayer. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited ...
She indicated that her husband had never before prayed for someone who subsequently experienced a remarkable recovery. Their only prior experience with prayer for healing seems to be when the patient and her husband had briefly visited the meeting of a well-known healing evangelist, but they left...
and He does miraculous things, but He also has provided people with the minds and the abilities to work alongside Him to help others. Doctors and nurses play a key role in our society and around the world. They help keep communities healthy and are there in some of the most difficult tim...
Stir up thy power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let thy bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with thee and ...
There was a time when a family member was deep in depression and I recall saying to her, “You need to get outside, get some fresh air, take some walks, just do something to help yourself.” She hung up on me crying. That is carved deep in my memory. I knew immediately I had ...
I found believers who, trying far too hard to sound smart, waxed philosophical in debates about whether it actually bore any power to pray for someone you didn’t know. But most of all, I found countless promises of “I’ll be praying about that”. Why say that? Why not do it right...