Well, this weapon is the Secret Weapon God has given to us to fight enemy forces. This weapon is something that the enemy does not have, that the enemy cannot stop, that the enemy cannot thwart. There is no defense for this type of weapon. But if Paul were writing the book of ...
I have motive these days to pray for enemies. QUAERUNTUR: What can be our attitude about enemies? Can we enjoy the death or defeat of an enemy? Must we pray for them? Can we pray against them? There are beautiful orations “Pro inimicis… For enemies” in the section calledOrationes...
Fight! And don’t beg – talk to the spirit with authority. The pressure will lift, but it is one thing to be delivered; it is another to stay delivered. It is now up to us to reprogram our minds – to cultivate a different outlook and way of thinking. Before deliverance, we were...
Why didn't you send for us when you first went out to fight the Midianites?" And they argued heatedly with Gideon.2But Gideon replied, "What have I accomplished compared to you? Aren't even the leftover grapes of Ephraim's harvest better than the entire crop of my little clan of Abie...
Director John Ford often falls down when his story needs humor, and there was one scene that was just too broad, a bar-room fight that Ford ought to know well, even as early as 1938.Generally, though, Ford's work was quite good in "Four Men and a Prayer," but he did have one ...
The enemy undoubtedly has a hand in the perpetuation of distorted thinking, however subtly relating depression to a lost fight with the enemy takes away from the victorious work that is done and finished on the cross. As we move through this year and the years ahead it is paramount that we...
Another passage that reminds us to be still and stop fighting battles He means to fight Himself…for us…is Psalm 46. Below is the entire psalm. It is so worthy your stopping and reading along (or hear it read for you). 46 God is our refuge and strength,A very present help in troub...
This is a prayer that the enemy hopes you never pray, because he knows that when you do, chains break and freedom reigns in your life! The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4 When...
We were not meant to be alone; we were made for this. Help us to fight the enemy and our flesh that would tell us otherwise and choose to welcome others around us. Help this not to be an individual effort, but a church-wide movement to multiply and grow. In Your name, Jesus, ...
You have been strengthening my arms in the fight for many years. Pour out on me the rivers of blessing that You have prepared me to receive today, in Jesus’ name: Bless me as You have promised me. Bring thousandfold increase (Deuteronomy 1:11); let this little one become a thousand ...