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Talk about a prayer meeting! Still, they were huddled, in hiding. These disciples were being faithful, as best as they could. When, on Pentecost morning, a God-sent happening occurred. But, you don’t need to take my word for it!
If you want your request to be viewed publicly, put your prayer request in the comment box below. If your request is private and you don't want the world to see it, you can e-mail me with your request at I will pray for each a
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14 NKJVIf you’ve never conducted a proclamation meeting before, then this is the time for you. ...
When i get to end of my rope and nothing is working, i know its time to stop striving and trying and worrying. I simply say i cant do this,,,take over! And when my flesh is removed from the situation is when i see the power of the Holy Spirit move in. Sometimes i think he sa...
Do you open your Bible study with prayer? Bible Study is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we need to practice as Christians. When we do it, we grow spiritually and connect with God more deeply. But the scriptures are not always easy to understand. We can’t study it the ...
the Lord would guide us to be sure He has called and equipped them. 13 Wednesday A number of small group meetings continue every week. Some of these are group Bible study meetings and others are book clubs. Pray that these meetings would know God’s blessing; that the leaders of the gro...
TheMonitortries to bring dialogue, healing, andseeking nearestto the truth to reporting the news. Being informed on the context of a story, along with Bible study and prayer, helps you wake up from your own hypnosis with its emotions. ...
The Bible tells us that in the end times a powerful charismatic man will become ruler over the whole Earth. He is called the Antichrist. I am not inferring that Obama is that man. I just want to show you how easy it will be for us to welcome Mr. 666 into our opened arms. Hitler...
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Bible, Christianity, faith, jesus, Prayer | Leave a reply HOW TO RAISE THE PRAYER MEETING BACK TO LIFE Posted on May 10, 2024 “When the horse dies, dismount.” That’s the advice I got from a Texas pastor regarding ministries in the church that no ...