Deliverance Prayers to Break Soul-Ties and INORDINATE AFFECTIONS Deliverance Prayers to Break Stubborn Curses Donation Dreams, their interpretation and Victory over Satanic dreams. Prayer points (From Dr Olukoya). Etunes – Downloadable Messages eTunes and eBooks Events Calendar Financial Empowerment Page...
As I come to know you two things will happen to me. The better I know you, the more I will know your love for me. The more I know your love for me the more I will love you. As I grow to know and love you the more I will become like you. I will begin to think your thou...
I want a return to longer classical formats, but that is not going to happen in this age of short attention spans and stratospheric costs. But it was an Indian ending, o my prophetic soul. There is a video of the final dramatic… yes, dramatic game. Even if you don’t know much ...
I had to learn to break curses pray for the healing of my soul keep casting demons out and praying for Jesus to take them out when I was being attacked from fear and depression demons. I am having victory in Jesus but I will tell anyone going through demon attacks find blessed ...
bless me with to be used to engulf the hearts of everyone I come into contact with. With the love which you infuse in my soul, help me to conquer all evil, convert souls and defeat the devil and all those wicked agents of his, who try to destroy the truth of your Ho...
Thought kindles and inspires, but it takes a diviner endowment, a more powerful energy than earnestness or genius or thought to break the chains of sin, to win estranged and depraved hearts to God, to repair the breaches and restore the Church to her old ways of purity and power. Nothing...
Peter failed to walk on Gennesaret because he permitted the waves to break over him and swamp the power of his faith. Taking his eyes from the Lord and regarding the water all about him, he began to sink and had to cry for succour -- "Lord, save, or I perish!"...
John Baillie would eschew the ubiquitous word ‘spirituality’ as being far too ambiguous, amorphous, and imprecise to describe something of such moment and felt reality as religious experience that could be morally and personally transformative in the realms of the human mind, conscience, and soul...
9In the tender compassion of our God ♦ the dawn from on high shall break upon us,10To shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, ♦ and to guide our feet into the way of peace.Luke 1.68-79AllGlory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as...
From evil dreams defend our sight, From fears and terrors of the night; Tread underfoot our deadly foe That we no sinful thought may know.O Father, that we ask be done Through Jesus Christ, your only Son; And Holy Spirit, by whose breath Our souls are raised to life from death....