That would make me want to bust thru and make a point to pray much more often because hes trying so hard to stop you. Talk about warfare! Get out the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit and thrust it at him how you are saved thru the blood of the Lamb and the power of his ...
Egypt’s Gaza Plan: EU, UN & Hamas Say Yes, Israel & US No PRAY WITH US about Egypt’s Gaza plan: Father God, we exalt You as Father of lights, who delights in Your children. You also made us spiritual children of Abraham, along with his natural children the Jews and the Arabs....
“God our Saviour desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”2 “There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved”3 – than the name of JESUS. 1 Jn 17 3 2 1 Tim 2:3-4. 3 Acts 4:12 PROLOGUE I. The life of man...
Please pray that God will do whatever it takes for my husband to be saved and delivered. Please pray for his salvation, that he'll truly be born again and converted. And please pray that he will be completely delivered from all abuse, anger, bitterness, cursing/profanity, deception, hatred...
Prayer Request:May the Lord prepare me to be a respectful supportive chaste humble wife and prepare my husband Ron if God wills to be a providing protecting cherishing humble husband. May we serve the Lord together. In Jesus name. Amen. ...
Hughes attended his Auntie Reed’s church to be saved from sin, but he was not really saved. He encounters the lost of hope and faith in Jesus; which will cause him to question about religion. In a chapter in Langston Hughes’s autobiography The Big Sea (1940) called Salvation, Hughes ...
but for the sake of the passion of your Beloved One, Jesus, come quickly to our aid, for his mercy’s sake.Each psalm or group of psalms may end withAllGlory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning is now and shall be for ever. Amen...
Who Then Can Be Saved? What is Christianity? Especially For You How to Become a Christian Do You Really Want to Be a Christian? Jesus Is Eternal Life Without Jesus, My Wage is Death Faith Is Looking to Jesus Timeline Section Index How to Be Ready for the Rapture The Conflicts of Armaged...
When it comes to our salvation, the Bible is clear that the gospel is the only way to be saved. Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again, offering us the gift of salvation if we believe in Him. There’s no other way to get to heaven except through faith in Him. ...
who taught blessed Gabriel to reflect constantly upon the sorrows of Your most sweet Mother, and through her raised him on high by the glory of holiness and miracles: grant us, by his intercession and example; so to be joined to the tears of Your Mother, that we may be saved by her ...