Fate Prayer Times - Today Fate prayer timings are Fajr Time 5:16 AM, Dhuhr Time 12:27 PM, Asr Time 3:48 PM, Maghrib Time 6:20 PM and Isha Time 7:30 PM. Get monthly Fate salah timings and 7 days accurate Fate prayer time table.
Munnar Prayer Times - Today Munnar prayer timings are Fajr Time 5:39 AM, Dhuhr Time 12:27 PM, Asr Time 4:22 PM, Maghrib Time 5:58 PM and Isha Time 7:16 PM. Get monthly Munnar salah timings and 7 days accurate Munnar prayer time table.
Fajr prayer time in New Malden today ends at 07:16 AM. At what time does Zuhr start in New Malden? Zuhr Salah starts at 11:50 AM in New Malden. At what time does Asr time start in New Malden? Asr Salah starts at 01:49 PM in New Malden. When does Maghrib namaz time New Malden...
Maghrib Salah – just after sunset Isha /Salah – evening This timetable sets the pattern of the day for a Muslim and connects them to other Muslims around the world. Al Khair Masjid, Al Quoz Prayer times vary throughout the year and are calculated based on the position of the sun andsu...
See the above table for Beijing prayer time today for Dec 22, 2024 (19 Djumada l-Akhira 1446) as daily prayer timings in Beijing are different. Fajr Namaz time Beijing, Fajr Qaza time in Beijing, Zohar time in Beijing, Asr Namaz time Beijing, Maghrib Azan time Beijing, and Isha prayer...
Dera Bassi Prayer Times - Today Dera Bassi prayer timings are Fajr Time 5:45 AM, Dhuhr Time 12:17 PM, Asr Time 3:46 PM, Maghrib Time 5:23 PM and Isha Time 6:49 PM. Get monthly Dera Bassi salah timings and 7 days accurate Dera Bassi prayer time table.
Berat Prayer Times - Today Berat prayer timings are Fajr Time 4:40 AM, Dhuhr Time 11:24 AM, Asr Time 2:11 PM, Maghrib Time 4:34 PM and Isha Time 6:01 PM. Get monthly Berat salah timings and 7 days accurate Berat prayer time table.
Today's prayer times for Oxford Prayer times today in Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK are as follows: Fajr Prayer starts at 06:26, Dhuhr Prayer starts at 12:04, Asr Prayer start at 14:12, Maghrib Prayer starts at 15:58 and Isha Prayer starts at 17:43. Stay connected with your faith ...
Sharjah Prayer Times Today Islamic prayer times in Sharjah for Friday December 20, 2024 are: Fajr - 5:35 am Sunrise - 6:54 am Dhuhr - 12:18 pm Asr - 3:14 pm Maghrib - 5:36 pm Isha - 6:55 pm Fajr, dhuhr, asr, maghrib and isha prayer times were last updated onDecember 20,...
How should we get the current time? Use my computer / device Use the cloud Imask Fajr Sunrise Zhuhr Asr Sunset Maghrib Isha Midnight