Go to https://www.prayertimes.mahmoud.ma/api/69/today Or with other timezones (list of timezones) https://www.prayertimes.mahmoud.ma/api/69/today?timezone=Pacific/Auckland return : { "fajr":"05:50", "sunrise":"07:17", "dohr":"13:37", "asr":"17:04", "maghreb":"19:49...
build_runner: A tool to generate files at build-time. Utilized for code generation in the Flutter app to streamline development. dartz: Functional programming in Dart. It provides immutable data types and functional programming tools, enhancing code reliability and readability. ...
Contribute @ https://github.com/islamic-network. Prayer Times API This application has a RESTful prayer times API that you can use for: Computing prayer times and prayer time calendars via co-ordinates Computing prayer times and prayer time calendars via city and country Computing prayer times...
github.com/alwalxed/zero-deps-prayer-times Homepage github.com/alwalxed/zero-deps-prayer-times Weekly Downloads 7 Version 1.0.4 License MIT Unpacked Size 72.7 kB Total Files 28 Last publish 2 months ago Collaborators Tryon RunKit Reportmalware...
Apache CouchDB是一款面向文档的数据库,可以使用JavaScript通过MapReduce方法进行查询和索引,它提供了一个RESTful JSON API,因此可以在任何环境中通过HTTP访问,CouchDB内置了Web管理控制台,支持通过浏览器管理数据库。CouchDB使用Erlang编写,Erlang是一种健壮的函数式编程语言,非常适合于构建并发的分布式系统,Erlang的设计非常...
session_set_cookie_params($lifeTime); session_start(); } $_SESSION["LOGIN"] ="OK"; 1 相关说明: 1 2 Session 是如何来判断客户端用户的呢?它是通过 Session ID 来判断的,什么是 Session ID,就是那个 Session 文件的文件名,Session ID 是随机生成的,因此能保证唯一性和随机性,确保 Session 的安全。
Google API Key Insert your Google Maps API Key in the line indicated: const char* googleApiKey = "Paste Your Google API Key Here"; This Key will be used to access Google's Timezone, Geolocation, Geocode and Maps Static APIs.Be sure to enable these APIs in your Google Cloud Maps Platfo...
README Prayer Times This is a prayer times web application made using VueJS It uses the Al Adhan API Note This is a project I am doing in my free time, hence I am sorry if there are any issues, please make me aware of them and I will try to fix it when I have the time.About...
MidnightThe mean time from sunset to sunrise (or from Maghreb to Fajr, in some schools of thought). What follows is information on how to calculate the above times mathematically for any location if the coordinates of the site are known. This forms the basis of his this library/API works...
Repeate the above steps, but this time, add the following into the newly created card type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card cards: - square: false columns: 1 type: grid cards: - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.islamic_prayer_times_fajr_prayer type: custom:multiple-entity-row name...