Prayer is the most powerful resource we have in this life; yet, many only turn to it as a last resort. When unbelievers pray for repentance of sin and ask for God’s forgiveness, prayer is the spiritual dynamite that obliterates the darkness and despair of a sin-soaked soul. —Franklin ...
there is a further ground of thanksgiving that we have already received great mercy at God's hands. We are not coming to God to ask favours and receive them for the first time in our lives. Why, blessed be his name, if he never granted me another favour, I have enough for which to...
Understanding who we’re talking to—and what a privilege it is—helps us keep our priorities straight when we pray. The first fruits of our prayer belong to God. Ideally, then, the bulk of our energy, passion, and creativity will go toward praising God and thanking Him for His work—in...
First, an act of thanksgiving;—thanking God for the affections and resolutions with which He has inspired you, and for the Mercy and Goodness He has made known to you in the mystery you have been meditating. Secondly, an act of oblation, by which you offer your affections and resolution...
For instance, the ACTS prayer plan has been popular because it’s easy to learn and practice. You spend a few minutes in Adoration (praising God for who He is), time in Confession(repenting of your own sins), some time in Thanksgiving (thanking God for all He has already done for ...
During the Thanksgiving phase, focus on expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life. This can involve thanking God for specific people, situations, or experiences, or simply acknowledging His goodness and provision in your life. Finally, during the Supplication phase, bring your requests and...
Talk to God We can share with God what we need, trusting that He hears and cares for us. It reminds us to have a grateful attitude by thanking God for the blessings and goodness we have experienced in our lives. Through this practice of prayer and gratitude, we can find peace and comf...
Thanking God, and thank you Jamie for this prayer. I’m so weak and scrambled right now, but agreeing and praying with this prayer this morning made me feel a small spark a strength/courage re-light inside that I know can only be of the Lord my God because there’s no way I could...
Amen. Thanking you Reply dcahill says: August 14, 2013 at 6:36 pm Hi my brothers and sisters please say a prayer for me i am homeless in NYC for the last 4 years i am now 67 years old and i do not know how much more i can stand.GOD richly bless you brother Danny 8/14...
2.Prayer of thanksgiving – thanking God for what he has done: A prayer of thanksgiving is about going before God and giving Him glory for all that He has done. When we thank the Lord, it gives us a heart full of gratitude that can see past our difficulties through to our blessings...