Prayer points by Pastor E A Adeboye RCCG March 2024 Holy Ghost Service Posted on March 3, 2024 by Prayer Point 1 Vote 1). Thank The Almighty GOD that you are able to make it here this night. RCCG 2). Father! When You are calling others, don’t pass me by, notice me tonight...
Allow me to share with you some important points regarding this passage from Matthew Henry’s Commentary:This parable has its key hanging at the door; the drift and design of it are prefixed. Christ spoke it with this intent, to teach us that men ought always to pray and not to faint,...
Preparing for Christmas with a prayer from Karl Barth December 20, 2015 On this Fourth Sunday of Advent my pastor picked this prayer from Karl Barth as part of the prayers of the people for this morning. Barth wrote it in the middle of the last century, but it struck me as eerily conte...
Statistically speaking, almost no pastor is satisfied with his prayer life. During a recent pastors’ conference where I led the prayer response, pastors openly repented of having “no prayer life.” One pastor called me after the conference to confess that he “never prays.” It was surely...
And Spurgeon’s last remark was: “even those persons who can see need more sight.” We all need to see more in the Scriptures. Each of us needs to pray to the Lord, “Open You my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Your Law.” ...
I find myself getting frustrated with The Father because I continually pray, fast and seek Him to get ahead. I’ve lost almost everything but my mind this year and I just want what’s mines/ the things I’ve worked so hard for. What the LORD revealed to me is that I get impatient...
dare what seemed impossible: to pursue a ministry, which focused on the spiritual lives of people and prayer. As I began to say yes to this deep desire, door after door swung open. At some points I almost wished someone would say no, for I had little idea how to actually accomplish ...
It is the job of the Holy Spirit to open up that person’s mind and heart. Once that person’s mind and heart has been properly opened up – then the Holy Spirit can start to work with them to show them that they are truly a sinner, and that there is no saving grace for them ...
- This is a request for all that are able. Since Halloween is upon us, and it is a time dedicated to evil forces, please pray for this nation, and the rest of the world. Fast from Sundown Friday, to Sundown Saturday. We Agree: That the spirit of witchcra
Some of the chief points of difference between this and subsequent Prayer Books were the following: Matins and Evensong began with the Lord's Prayer, and ended with the third collect; there were no alternative Psalm-canticles for Benedictus, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis; the Athanasian Creed wa...