each day gather one thought about this psalm that points to God’s character and translate it intoaprayerofadoration. lordsgrace.ca lordsgrace.ca 現在細讀這篇三次,本週每日如是,但每天掌握詩 中有關神的美善之一作默想,然後化所得為讚美的禱告。
The Muji people need to find their way to the Savior who can take away their fear of the spirit world and replace it with peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Prayer Points Pray for gospel workers to catch a vision for reaching the Northern Muji people for Jesus and that in God’s sover...
Prayer Leader Column(Some Silver, Gold and Platinum, and some All Browsers) A collection of all the Prayer Leader columns from each issue of Prayer Connect, all listed and linked from one location. Find help for y0ur specific situation in your church. Prayer Pointsby Jon Graf (Open to All...
Explore powerful prayer points and inspiring guidance for a fulfilled life. Enhance your spiritual journey with Everyday Prayer Guide.
The Wind Is Blowing Away All Reproaches In Our Lives Prayer Points BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 30:22-24, Zech 3:1-5. INTRODUCTION 2-Timothy_3-16: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness Reproac...
An interecessor, Linda loves to glorify God through drama, poetry readings and portrayals of women characters of the Bible to minister, teach and empower women to pray and then have the courage to take action to achieve their dreams. Her E-Book -Powerful Prayer Points for Parents to Pray ...
What were some of the high points/mountain tops of the year? What were some of the low moments/valleys in the year? What was an average day like? Do you remember how you felt in the morning and in the evening? Were there any issues or problems that you struggled with or that were ...
Harvest Prayer Ministries exists to equip the local church to become a House of Prayer for all nations, releasing God’s power for revival and finishing the task of world evangelization. “[Those] who mobilize the Christian Church to pray will do more toward the task of world evangelism than...
(Points 1 – 10,ref#63, p803-805) Christian 0 Action Words and GOD Go Together FATHER, I pray for ___. You arrange so many mercied circumstances in (his/her) life they are impossible to count, let alone notice. But, today I desire You reestablish ___’s astonishment. I appeal...
Karen, can the core beliefs of CS be boiled down to a few bullet points? Can you try to list them as far as you understand them to be please? Karen says: Hi Weasel,It’s probably important to note that I am not an official spokesperson for the CS church or anything – and I do...