The Wind Is Blowing Away All Reproaches In Our Lives Prayer Points BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 30:22-24, Zech 3:1-5. INTRODUCTION 2-Timothy_3-16: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness Reproac...
Eddy writes: “Atonement is the exemplification of man’s unity with God, whereby man reflects divine Truth, Life, and Love. Jesus of Nazareth taught and demonstrated man’s oneness with the Father, and for this we owe him endless homage. His mission was both individual and collective...
Summary of Key Points: This Prayer Group is for all who are willing to pray for God’s love and forgiveness available in Jesus, uniting spiritually together as God’s eternal children, in our own love and forgiveness for all who who invoke the Triune God and confess Jesus as Lord and ...
We are stressing true praying, which engages and sets on fire every high element of the preacher's being -- prayer which is born of vital oneness with Christ and the fullness of the Holy Ghost, which springs from the deep, overflowing fountains of tender compassion, deathless solicitude for ...
Dear brothers and sisters and lovers of Christ, for the sake of God’s interests let us meet at the throne of God to pray in oneness and in harmony, and with faith, earnestness, and perseverance. Let us join one another in prayer to turn the age. Amen. ...
“the repetition of the words, without any physical endeavor… not even movements of the tongue… can be used systematically to achieve an inner transformation… and brings us to stand in God’s presence.” A reviewer of his book notes, “I was fascinated to find points of resonance with ...
4.2. Heaven/s and the Kingdom of God One of the characteristic features of any religion is the contrast between the human reality of imperfection and decay on the one hand and infinite perfection on the other; the Lord’s Prayer makes no exception in so far as it points to the kingdom...