Prayer points by Pastor E A Adeboye RCCG March 2024 Holy Ghost Service Posted on March 3, 2024 by Prayer Point 1 Vote 1). Thank The Almighty GOD that you are able to make it here this night. RCCG 2). Father! When You are calling others, don’t pass me by, notice me tonight...
However, this is only half the story. In baptism we were commissioned to be apostles, with the duty to bear witness to Christ and to be a constructive force in carrying His message to others. This means that we must be outstanding in our charity. We must be notable for the patience, k...
This podcast is not necessarily for people who already know the secret and power of prayer and who actually practice genuine prayer on a regular basis, rather it is for those who may find it difficult to pray or for people who claim they do not have time to pray. I am convinced that m...
For this reason one can always go further in the unitive way. Indeed, the theologians affirm that to stop going forward toward God is to commence slipping backward. All of the foregoing could be richly footnoted with points from Scripture, the Summa, Denziger, and the Church Fathers. Nonet...
Think about the points in the day when your family naturally comes together and consider taking a moment to pray at these times. For example, there are many greatmorning prayersthat you could try after breakfast. If you already pray atmeal times, consider changing how you do this. Be creati...
The corners of both books are bent down, exclamation points and asterisks dance in the margins. When I finished each book, I promptly started over at the beginning again. Fleury and Doyle’s poems sound truth in me like a struck gong. They take me into still places, new insights, and ...
dare what seemed impossible: to pursue a ministry, which focused on the spiritual lives of people and prayer. As I began to say yes to this deep desire, door after door swung open. At some points I almost wished someone would say no, for I had little idea how to actually accomplish ...
- This is a request for all that are able. Since Halloween is upon us, and it is a time dedicated to evil forces, please pray for this nation, and the rest of the world. Fast from Sundown Friday, to Sundown Saturday. We Agree: That the spirit of witchcra
I have been praying for a house and am very specific in my prayer. Your bullet points that speak of the current home not meeting our needs and what I’m looking for are my specific needs. I sat here in total awe and wonder of how He moves in our lives. I had to repent for unsub...
Some of the chief points of difference between this and subsequent Prayer Books were the following: Matins and Evensong began with the Lord's Prayer, and ended with the third collect; there were no alternative Psalm-canticles for Benedictus, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis; the Athanasian Creed wa...