They held a prayer vigil throughout the night. spiritual healing through prayer a national day of prayer Extra ExamplesTopics Religion and festivalsb2 Oxford Collocations Dictionary prayers [plural] a religious meeting that takes place regularly in which people say prayers Muslims attend Friday ...
- Hide/Show Examples prayer /prɛə/ CET4 TEM4 义项prayer读作 ˈpreɪə。 1. N-UNCOUNT Prayer is the activity of speaking to God. 祈祷 例: They had joined a religious order and dedicated their lives to prayer and good works. 他们参加了一个宗教团体,献身于祈祷和做善事。
Examples from the Corpus prayer•Shekneltto say aprayerofprofoundthankfulness.•aprayermeeting•Ourthoughtsandprayersare with the Hinson family.•This is abesieged,privilegedand panickedminorityatprayer.•Hisconstantprayerwas for an end to the war.•In this paper we havestayedclose to thepa...
Examples of Effective Prayer in Scripture · Elijah: James 5:17-18 recounts Elijah's effective prayer for rain, stating, "Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and ...
” We will answer this question below, but first, we will give an incredible example of God in the flesh. If Jesus, who was God prayed, he saw the value of prayer. As his disciples we are called to walk in the footsteps that he too walked in, to learn from the examples that he ...
Suspense Examples in a Prayer for Owen Meany Different Ways John Irving Creates Suspense in A Prayer for Owen Meany In John Irving’s novel titled‚ A Prayer for Owen Meany‚ suspenseful events are of abundance‚ and there are multiple ways the author creates this suspense. Among these ...
When we pray intercessory prayer, we seekGod’s graceand mercy on behalf of someone else. We are asking God to intervene on behalf of another and help them in whatever situation they may be facing. There are many examples of intercessory prayerin the Bible. For example, in Exodus 32, Mos...
The scriptures are filled with examples of people who persisted in prayer. It is praying until you have the answer or request you are seeking from God. It is continuing to pray until you feel a release in your spirit that He is intervening on your behalf. It is coming back to Him day...
” Other examples of the transformation to spiritual goals may be seen in the prayers of the ancientBabylonianandAssyriankingswho asked for the fear of God, rather than material benefits, and that of a priest of the Ewe (a West African people) who even asks of his god “That I remain ...
So we must likewise in our prayers for the deliverance of the people of God out of the hands of their persecutors and oppressors. Our featured prayer motivator quote is from Hannah More. He said, “Prayer is not eloquence, but earnestness; not the definition of helplessness, but the ...