92“The whole body of the faithful. . . cannot err in matters of belief. This characteristic is shown in the supernatural appreciation of faith (sensus fidei) on the part of the whole people, when, from the bishops to the last of the faithful, they manifest a universal consent in matters...
Here is a list of traditional Catholic Prayers that you may want to choose from for your custom holy cards. You may of course choose to have any text you like printed on the cards and you are not limited to what is shown here. These are just to help you if you need ideas or sugges...
We pray for the removal of the evils of intemperance, of slavery, of superstition, of idolatry; yet these may be so interlocked with the customs of a country, with the interests of men, and with the laws, that they cannot be at once eradicated except by miracle, and the answer to the...