Part of this as well, is the illumination of the Spirit helping you to understand God and extrapolate Biblical principles into the various issues life throws you way. And as we pray this way, according to Biblical principles and in light of our developing relationship with God and the Spirit...
Some years ago, while browsing through the savory bookstore at the Washington National Cathedral, I happened upon Roger Wieck’s bookPainted Prayers: The Book of Hours in Medieval and Renaissance Art. I was vaguely familiar with Books of Hours, mostly from seeing individual images that had been...
The striking combination of woodcuts, drawings and manual coloring in the modest manuscript is a prime example of hybrid image-making techniques used during the transition from manuscript illumination to printed illustration in the second half of the fifteenth century. The study comparatively examines ...
The striking combination of woodcuts, drawings and manual coloring in the modest manuscript is a prime example of hybrid image-making techniques used during the transition from manuscript illumination to printed illustration in the second half of the fifteenth century. The study comparatively examines ...
Jesus is stripped of his garments. Jesus is nailed to the cross. Jesus dies on the cross. Jesus is taken down from the cross. Jesus is placed in the sepulchre. The images are usuallymountedon the inside walls of achurchor chapel but may also be erected in such places as cemeteries, co...