Prayer Room. The Contractor must provide the State with a Prayer Room as described in Exhibit C – Attachment 1. This area must be within proximity of the meeting rooms and in a place that is easily ac...
We arranged a meeting in early 2019 to consult with the recommended surgeon, and found that he had already read through her case files, and also had discussed a possible procedure with a reconstructive plastic surgeon who specializes in difficult cases other surgeons shy away from for various rea...
Perhaps it is my intense curiosity and restless, wandering feet that have instilled the love of literature and linguistics within me. Opening a book, falling into a story, meeting characters from far off places with diverse expressions has taken me on many more adventures than I will ever reali...
To account for the influence of prayer and to anticipate the potential role that churches might play in program delivery, about 20% of the survey sample was drawn from churches. Data analysis found that those who attended church were very similar to the rest of the Latino population with ...