Gathered together on this page are several good prayers & blessings for your family. There are prayers for family reunions (with meal time & evening prayers), blessings you can give away to your loved ones, and some useful resources for encouraging your family to pray together. Here you can...
Uplifting and inspiring prayers, scripture, poems & more! Discover prayers by topics, find daily prayers for meditation or submit your online prayer request.
When you pray for a missionary you should pray that God will give them protection on the field, that they will be able to witness effectively and that they will have more ministry opportunities. When praying for your family you can use this list to remind you to pray for their deliverance...
It never dulls. That mama-ache for what never was. “She’s just lovely, Sis. I am sorry for all your pain.” I read my sister’s text through the tears. She knows my heart. She’s already heard me cry this week. A mother weeping for a wayward son. I love hard. I bet you ...
pray according to the will and purpose of God. It leads believer through guided prayers tailored to move the hands of God for your sake. It consists of powerful prayer points supported with the bible scriptures and passages. There are many wholesome prayers, which can be used morning and ...
It leads believer through guided prayers tailored to move the hands of God for your sake. It consists of powerful prayer points supported with the bible scriptures and passages. There are many wholesome prayers, which can be used morning and evening. Powerful Prayer Points with Bible Verses * ...
From the structure to the scriptures, the planner is overall a necessity for me. I can often time get disorganized when I don’t jot down things. And my spirit man gets just as disorganized when I don’t keep my mind focused on the Lord so this planner helps keep me on track and ...
Prayer for Success in Life (a blessing for a friend or loved one) May peace be yours, peace with your friends, with family and with neighbour. May hope be present, hope in your dreams, in hardest times, and never waver. May faith be rising, faith lift your soul, a fresh new gift ...
图书Family Prayers, from the Sacred Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer.. 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
pray according to the will and purpose of God. It leads believer through guided prayers tailored to move the hands of God for your sake. It consists of powerful prayer points supported with the bible scriptures and passages. There are many wholesome prayers, which can be used morning and ...