prayer for hope and strength A prayer asking for God's hope and light to come into a difficult situation. To the music of "Lord, be my vision". prayer for strength and courage An inspiring prayer for receiving God's power, courage and strength, suitable for praying during difficult times...
It’s a time for new beginnings, a chance to refresh our minds, hearts and spirits, a time to reevaluate our goals and plans in light of a change of perspective. The Eastern branch of the Church originally celebrated Epiphany as the Baptism of Jesus as early as 200AD. In the Western...
19 You spoke once in a vision and said to your faithful people: ♦‘I have set a youth above the mighty; I have raised a young man over the people.20‘I have found David my servant; ♦with my holy oil have I anointed him.21‘My hand shall hold him fast ♦and my arm shall...
His Son for Me / anon. Who'll Take The Son? / anon. Wycliffe's Last Days / Wylie A Wall of Fire / anon. A Vision of the Lost / Booth One Foolish Moment / Finney The Way Back to Emmaus/ Fiechter Enduring Tribulations / anon. I AM / Levitt Banner Cry / anon. A Prophetic Dream...
All of the teaching and resources are free, and I’ve been grateful to God for how He is speaking to me in this space. My hope is to be part of a prayer community in our local church. Pray with me for this. Are you part of such a community? Photo Credit: YouTube, John Mark ...
Close your eyes and vision him next to you like a loving father and talk to him because it helps you to grow in him and build a stronger relationship with him. If you go to church, talk to your pastor in private and see if there are any groups he can recommend that you can attend...
It can be said that the way the narrative is conducted builds a special vision of Orthodox Russia, where every smallest element of life is subordinated to faith and lived in the spirit of faith. The book, written in simple language in the narrative and presenting uncomplicated images, creates...
helped individuals all over the world to encounter God in prayer rooms – now we want to help people develop a daily relationship with Jesus. This is our vision for Lectio 365: to help millions of people to learn to pray the Bible every day and go deeper in prayer each morning and ...
He rules- the world just as He rules the Church by prayer. This lesson needs to be emphasized, iterated and reiterated in the ears of men of modern times and brought to bear with cumulative force on the consciences of this generation whose eyes have no vision for the eternal things, ...
Let’s pray passionately for God’s will to come forth in America. LORD, Thank You for the good plans and vision You have for America. Thank You for reviving the hearts and changing the lives of countless people. Let revival break out in a powerful way this week as the tension is high...