6.an object or benefit prayed for 7.an earnest request, petition, or entreaty 8.(Law)lawa request contained in a petition to a court for the relief sought by the petitioner 9.slanga chance or hope:she doesn't have a prayer of getting married. ...
Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in US and Canada so people make a turkey as Thanksgiving feast. The reason behind making turkey is because the first Thanksgiving feast was a turkey. Before having meal people gather and first pray to God and after that do some activities and spend so...
The fast is broken with a communal meal called iftar. At the end of the holy month, an ultimate celebration is held through a formal gathering called Eid. Defining Prayer Historically recorded throughout many faith practices, prayer is "the act of communicating with a deity or other "higher...
“i have been attending the leadership prayer breakfast for more years than i can remember. it is always a heartwarming gathering of our faith community that for me kicks off the easter weekend. from the meal shared with family and friends, to the uplifting music, to the prayers, t...
a keynote speaker, and readings of excerpts from Dr. King's speeches. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, instead of gathering for a meal, the parish held its 36th annual commemoration of Dr. King in a virtual format on Jan. 18, with approximately 100 people participating via Zoom...
The community of faith would no longer be defined as a gathering of the baptized, and the eucharist would cease to be a meal nourishing the members of the faith and would, instead, become a way of welcoming newcomers. If the Episcopal Church were to adopt a policy of Open Table, the ...
29 As the people were gathering around him, Yeshua said, “The people living today are evil. They look for a miraculous sign. But the only sign they will get is the sign of Jonah. 30 Just as Jonah became a miraculous sign to the people of Nineveh, so the Son of Man will be a ...
Other than the gathering in the upper room before Pentecost, arguably the most significant prayer meeting ever conducted was a small, multi-day event in Antioch. There, while the group was fasting and praying, the Holy Spirit called Paul and Barnabas to reach the gentile world with the Gospel...
2025 is the time to gather—not around celebrity personalities, but for a great communion revival centered on Jesus, who is alive, well, and moving right now in this generation. He is the dream of a generation. We are gathering on the National Mall in Washington, DC, for four days, Oct...
Whether you have a simple picnic or a fancy gathering enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures, and feelings of gratitude for a beautiful moment – appreciating the blessing GOD/ELOHIM has given! Below is information for learning about healing through nutrition, whether starting with ...