Day 1: Salvation Father God, you desire for everyone to be saved, to have a relationship with you through faith in Jesus (1 Timothy 2:4). In faith and trust in You, we ask that our loved ones who do not know Your Son as Savior yet to realize His presence. Although they may not...
A prayer suitable for sending or giving to a friend to bless them on their birthday. birthday blessing A beautiful birthday message to send to friends and loved ones on their special day. may the road rise up to meet you a new film based on this ancient Celtic blessing, suitable for cong...
it was called. Most often, it was Softly and Tenderly, I Surrender All, or Just as I Am. It was an emotional closing as people prayed for their loved ones to walk the aisle and make their decision for Christ
By accepting Christ you are baptized in the spirit, but it is through water-baptism that you show your obedience to the Lord. Water baptism is a symbol of your salvation from the dead. You were dead but now you live, for the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed you for a price! The price ...
Prayeris beautiful – especially when you’re holding others in prayer for healing. You might be caught up in your own problem, worries, and tensions of life, but every day seek out some time to pray for family, friends, and loved ones. ...
and by whom be loved, for your grace and one more experience of your presence, for your promise: to be with us, to be our God, and to give salvation. For these, and all blessings, we give you thanks, eternal, loving God,
Intercessory Prayer For Our Loved Ones - S. D. Gordon Intercessory Prayer in Missions - John Mott Intercessory Prayer Quotations Intercessory Prayer Quotations Intercessory Prayers - Charles Spurgeon Intercessory Prayers Every Christian's Duty - George Whitefield ...
It also serves as a source of support, as we can lift up the needs of others to God. Bypraying for healing for a friend, on behalf of our loved ones, and even strangers, we participate in the work of God’s kingdom. Prayer unites us with others in a powerful way, creating a sen...
Hebrews 1:13-14 –“But to which of the angels said He at any time, Sit on My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” ...
loved ones be delivered from continue to be delivered from the power lies of satan and I claim announce that by the blood name and the power of the LIVING SON OF GOD he is alive active we are free continue to be delivered and set free from all spirits of depression anxiety fear dread ...