It also came in very handy for staying in daily touch with my mother, who had C.O.P.D., and lived about five hours from us. It was essential early in 2019 when she went into hospice and we were unable to travel due to medical problems. We were able to be virtually present in he...
Department of Medicine, Mercy Hospital & Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USASimon G. BrauerDepartment of Sociology, Duke University, Durham, NC, USAJohn D. YoonDepartment of Medicine, Mercy Hospital & Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USASAGE PublicationsAmerican Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine...
I’m so thankful for the way you and your family serve the Lord every day of the year and especially today. May this trip be fruitful for the Lord
* Visit Abba International Children's Hospital Chapel & Agape Children's Hospice Chapel for Our Needy & Hungry, Sick & Suffering, Abused & Degraaded, Abandoned & Alone, Lost Family & Homeles Kids. We Offer Help, Comfort, Support & Treatment through Your...