I am searching for prayer lawyers, for my boyfriend who is in the middle of a drug addiction problem we have tried and gotten him a plane ticket transportation for his cat from Florida Posted by: Samantha Report GOD Bless you all and may all your prayers be answered, in JESUS HOLY PRECIO...
all the way from Akron OH to learn how to pray for the sick. Almost every weekend for the past several months, we’ve been Kickstarting a person, a family, or a small church group who are all now seeing healing, deliverance
Also, it is a key day for those devoted to Our Lady as the Immaculate Conception. For it was at Lourdes in 1858 that the Virgin confirmed Pope Pius IX’s infallible declaration in 1854 that Our Lady was conceived without original sin. Also, Lourdes is about healing. I’ve been sickly m...
I’ve had hands laid on me, my forehead anointed with oil and been prayed over by my church elders, pastor and a couple other members for healing from anxiety and depression but nothing has changed. I feel spiritually dead and am afraid that God has done this because I didn’t repent ...
Deliverance and Curse Breaking Prayer from evil spirits, curses, witchcraft, substance addictions, sexual perversion, occult, new age, meditation, yoga, false religions, sex addiction. Brother Carlos Oliveira. This Ministry is NOT affiliated with pastor
My name is Elisabeth Bannerman who asked for prayer for Gods Divine healing for Cancer of the Breast ,with the spread of the cells in the Body. I have started Radioactive Therapy for Cancer and with your help of Prayers, i am seeing an improvement in my health, i am hoping for more ...
Someone else may be too high or too strung out on drugs to be able to help themselves, and they thus will need someone to step into the gap for them to ask God to move in with His healing and deliverance power so as to set them free from the bondage of their drug addiction. ...
For We Must All Appear Before The Judgment Seat Of Christ; That Every One May Receive The Things Done In His Body, According To That He Hath Done, Whether It Be Good Or Bad 2 Timothy 2:15 Study To Shew Thyself Approved Unto God, ...
Bible Verses about Addiction “Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.” [Proverbs 20:1] Check out what the bible has to say about peace with this collection ofBible Verses about Addiction. ...
Make a choice to believe that God has a wonderful, pre-planned journey for you. And the fulfilment of that plan will equip you with everything you need: the anointing, prosperity, healing and wisdom to get the job done. You need only take the first step to get back on the road to ...