Repose of the soul of Dona Sadock and for her family dealing with after work from her death. Fallen away family members on both sides of the family For Mufide Mary R and for my brother FARUK R, for all my brothers and sister and for the souls of my parents Mehmet and Nedime R. an...
We want everyone to be prayed over, so keeping a prayer list for ongoing needs in the church family still makes sense. But if you want to fire on your prayer meeting, open the mic for personal prayer requests and watch for spontaneous combustion. None of this happens overnight. It requi...
Maybe they were praying as a family for the conflict…now war. He had amazingly mature thoughts and questions about it. You can imagine that it led to a discussion that went all the way back to Adam and Eve and all the way forward to Heaven and Hell. He wondered if America would ...
Acts 19 tells the wonderful story of Peter, imprisoned by King Herod and facing death, being miraculously rescued by an angel. Peter followed the angel out of the prison, but “he had no idea that what the angel was doing … Continue reading → Posted in James R. Coggins | Tagged cruci...
Look for family dysfunction, narcissism, addiction, hypocrisy, falsehood etc. Those are the ingredients of the soil that grows the weed. And don’t listen to the Word of Faith hypocrites. They simply trade one unclean spirit for seven worse, as “the word” says! Love to you and yours ...
I’ve walked the path of the “Valley of the Shadow of Death,” as described in Psalm 23, most memorably when my mother died, and later, my husband. Both greatly loved, both greatly missed. For me, grief is something to acknowledge and experience. It’s a time to slow down and ...
He entered a family in order to redeem family life. He had friends in order to redeem friendship. He ate in order to redeem eating. He suffered in order to redeem suffering. He died in order to redeem death. The list can go on and on, but the point is that whatever He did, He ...
Posted by Amod Lele in Christianity, Death, Early and Theravāda, External Goods, Family, Flourishing, Grief, Health, Modernized Buddhism, Politics, Prayer, Therapy ≈ 8 Comments Tags autobiography, cancer, identity, justice, Mañjuśrī, Pali suttas, Ralph Waldo Emerson, religion, Siddhattha...
One within my family, one within my church that has been shared by many (which I’ve cryptically alluded to). The number of individual entreaties I made of God in these two matters are well into the hundreds for both. When the answer came back from the throne, I committed myself to...
The victims to death on the Christmas market was one child and 4 women. The offender is a Saudi-arabian psychiatric doctor who said he is Ex-Muslim and for women-rights. Amen Posted by: Anonymous Report My both upper arms are hurting and I ask for salvation of my soul to be saved...