Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in US and Canada so people make a turkey as Thanksgiving feast. The reason behind making turkey is because the first Thanksgiving feast was a turkey. Before having meal people gather and first pray to God and after that do some activities and spend so...
It covers daily prayer - for the morning, work, meal times and evening, and for key celebrations through the year, such as Easter and Thanksgiving. Here you'll find some useful set prayers that can be used to guide your times of devotion....
After Jesus and his disciples finished their meal together, he would then enter the garden Gethsemane to pray. As He prayed, He wrestled with his heavenly Father over the need for him to die.“O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup [of suffering and death] pass from me.” The...
Seasonal prayers such as found in the Breviary, which provides prayer for each liturgical season including Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, as well as the other parts of the liturgical year. The Breviary developed over the centuries. Different religious orders sometimes have their ow...
An Easter Prayer This is a very different Easter time for many of us across the world. Just like Jesus’s disciples after they had witnessed his death, we face uncertainty, fear and sorrow. Yet as we take time to pause and reflect, we shall unearth new treasures of Kingdom value. They...
We pray that He feed us with the family meal because the Eucharist is only for us, it is Our daily bread. But there is another sense in which we must deal with the current choice of translation as daily. Receiving Our Daily Bread Like the manna in the desert, the petition is meant ...
I remain very quiet in my spirit—thankful. My heart is full of quiet joy to have known him. What a race! And victory won. And Sabbath rest for him… the first Easter with his Redeemer and Friend. Easter Shalom to you all.
Will he find me acceptable? Worthy?No more meaningless rituals to cleanse us from our sins. No more striving to earn His love or approval. No! His coming set us free. Free from trying to do and be good enough. His coming paid my sin debt and yours. Christmas made Easter possible....
When Easter Sunday morning came it was so warm only spring clothes could be worn. My sister and I decided at breakfast that we could not go to church, as we had only our old winter dresses. Going to my room, I turned to my Bible to study it, when it opened at Matthew 6, and my...
Then the teacher, Bill Barley, took center stage and spoke passionately of God’s gift to mankind through His son, Jesus Christ, who gave us salvation through Grace while on the cross. He is remembered by Christianity at Christmas, which we celebrate as his birthday, and again at Easter, ...