Drug addicts. That Jesus saves them and that them comes free. Reply Richa Patel says: July 13, 2023 at 8:44 am My name is richa Patel and I am studying ospap. Please pray for me to the lord to change my fail grades of numeracy and pst2 to pass grades in Jesus name Lord Je...
Drug Addicts Get a Dose of Tough Love; Christian Center in India Combines Prayer, Chains
This may be the perfect time for deliverance from that slavery. And it may not even be for alcoholics and drug addicts. Sex and porn addicts, take comfort! Your deliverance may be at hand! You will be beseeching the Blessed Virgin Mary, the very Mother of Purity, for her intercession to...
Do you know there are drug addicts and alcoholics who really don't want to be delivered because that would mean they could no longer get high or go out drinking? Do you know I deal every day with people in bondage to gluttony, lust, smoking, gossiping, gambling, homosexuality, who deep ...
1. Learn how to obey, if you love ME you will obey/keep MY commands, and follow our GOOD SHEPHERD and prepare for our coming KING how HE would love! 2. Go by HIS ABBA’S/FATHER’S Will and not your own! 3. Learn how to be taught and comforted by the HOLY SPIRIT! Having given...