(redirected from Prayer healing)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia. prayer 1 (prâr) n. 1. a. A reverent petition made to God, a god, or another object of worship. b. The act of making a reverent petition to God, a god, or another object of worship: ...
Father God, for so long I have felt like life’s punching bag. Resources Pray the prayer that we have seen God use to heal thousands of people all over the world! Grab a pack of 20 copies of the full Sample Prayer of Forgiveness and Soul healing while supplies last! Take me there ...
Prayer Request:I am hazel please pray for healing for my. God said wherever there are 2 or more praying he is there. I have stage 4 breast cancer as of 2018 that spread. I was able to in the past with prayer protocel apricot seeds to have it go away. The pet and ct scans have ...
Next time you pray any kind of prayer, whether it be for the resolution of healing, or for a house, or for a car, or for a husband, or for a family conflict, or for a solution to a problem, tell Him he can say yes or no. Because in the end, you're a winner. Every time....
Thus, there was an unknowable and uncontrollable (but presumed similar) level of "background" prayer being offered for patients in both groups; whatever impact that group assignment had on healing was over and above any influence background prayer may have had. Neither this study nor that of ...
After very emotionally thanking God for His answer to prayer, I went straight to the telephone to make an appointment with the ortho doc who had diagnosed her. I didn’t doubt the healing, but now it was time to gather proof for testimony. ...
It was concerning this very point, that Jesus questioned the blind men who came to Him for healing: "Believe ye that I am able to do this?" He asks. "They said unto Him, Yea, Lord. Then touched He their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you."...
Powerful Prayers For Healing In The Bible Gratefully, God is still in the business of healing and doing the miraculous. I have a family member who has been battling cancer for nearly ten years. We’ve been praying fervently and consistently for her since the original diagnosis. She recently,...
1.(Ecclesiastical Terms)ecclesiasta book containing the prayers used at church services or recommended for private devotions 2.(Anglicanism)Church of England(often capitals) another name forBook of Common Prayer Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins ...
And I am thankful for answered prayers. I believe strongly in the power of prayer and the faithfulness of God. So many times this week, I found myself requesting prayers for my Mom and asking for God’s healing hand upon her. Those prayers continue now for her recovery. ...