The examen we are talking about here is not a Ben Franklin-like striving for self-perfection. We are talking about an experience in faith of growing sensitivity to the unique, intimately special ways that God’s Spirit has of approaching and calling us. Obviously it takes time for this growt...
‘We must take heart, brothers and sisters, from what stuff we were created, who we were and what kind of creatures we were when we entered the world, as if from a tomb and from utter darkness. Having prepared for us bountifully before we were born, He who fashioned us and created u...
III. “You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me” nn. 2110-2128 IV. “You Shall Not Make For Yourself a Graven Image . . .” nn. 2129- 2132 IN BRIEF nn. 2133-2141 Article 2 THE SECOND COMMANDMENT I. The Name of the Lord is Holy nn. 2142-2149 II. Taking the Name of the Lord...
We, the Church, are on assignment—out among the people God wants us to minister to.Feeding the hungry, comforting the afflicted, welcoming the stranger, taking care of the least of these. We can all tell people about the Good News—the wonderful news of God’s reconciliation and healing....
It’s also helpful to have a specific plan for dealing with distractions when they arise. This could involve taking a few deep breaths, reciting a specific verse or prayer, or simply refocusing your mind on your intention for the prayer session. ...
for she bringeth to thee the glorious King of the new light: remaining ever a Virgin yet she bearest in her arms the Son begotten before the day-star: even the Child, whom Simeon taking into his arms, declared to the peoples to be the Lord of life and death, and the Savior of the...
contact with an irritant or a reaction to a medication. Treatment varies based on what caused your skin to itch. In my case, I had this all-over-the-body itchiness after taking a dose of Tylenol to relieve the pulsing sharp pain in the right chest, following the Thoracentesis. The reacti...
Ms help when dining table. Do not take seat before the lady was not seated. After admission the Chair closer to the table. Many of the Christian family has a habit of prayer before the meal. Observe the master or mistress, if they bowed her head, and you should follow them. When the...
As we were leaving, the kind friends of the village gathered round insisting on my taking some old clothes to put around the children, who were almost naked, saying, "It will be chilly at night." As we went forward to join the others, Mr. --- told us how one by one all had esca...
A Diary of Private Prayer: “I Would Kneel before Thee…” A Diary of Private Prayer: “Incline My Heart to Follow in His Way…” A Diary of Private Prayer: “The Great Fact for Which All Religion Stands…” A Diary Private Prayer: “The Call Is God’s, and the Response Is Mine…...