Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the crop and of the preceding years. The festival is celebrated on the 04th November in the United States and on 2nd Monday of October in Canada. Before the dinner, for saying thanks...
There was no question, saving Cherie was crucial. Saving her was about reclaiming a part of myself, a part of my life that seemed so innocent, so simple. Before all the adulting. Before all the misgivings, misunderstandings, and miscommunications that are all part of growing up and growing...
Up in that upper room, presumedly the same room where Jesus and the disciples had celebrated that Passover dinnerthe night before Jesus was crucified. They were there, but yes, they were shut away. Presumedly behind locked doors, for fear of what the authorities might do to them, even we...
Before the prayer was fully uttered the pain was entirely gone. I believe that Jesus had taken it away; and the result was that for years, when tempted to be naughty, I was afraid to do what I knew was wrong lest, if I broke my part of what I felt to be a compact, the toothac...
course my life hasn’t been all sadness, but deep in my heart I’ve had lots of struggles. I remember myself before losing my dad. I was so different than who I became (out of surviving). I’m realizing that I’m mourning so much more than the loss of my sweet fur babies right...
I greeted my first guest (thankfully, someone who’d arrived early to help set up) in my bathrobe, my hair and make-up undone. I’d had three hours of sleep the night before. I hadn’t read up on the materials I was supposed to. I hadn’t put together the folders. I hadn’t...
One of the traditions at our house after church on Easter morning is for all the children -- and the Daddy -- to search for Easter baskets filled with candy that the Mommy has hidden. My children have bright eyes, I guess. Because they inevitably find theirs before I find mine. The ch...
You have done so much for me St Jude but i feel that i never thanked you enough. Please forgive me for not thanking you before I am very grateful to you and will always be, if i do not show it then please forgive me for my arrogance. ...