During an evidentiary hearing before a federal district court, the prime sponsor of the 1981 statute, State Sen. Donald G. Holmes, openly stated that the bill was meant to return voluntary prayer to public schools in Alabama. Upon reexamining the establishment clause, however, the court found ...
Supreme Court on June 19, 2000, ruled (6–3) that a Texas school board policy that allowed “student-led, student-initiated prayer” before varsity high-school football games was a violation of the First Amendment’s establishment clause, which generally prohibits the government from establishing,...
Life, and Love. After the 1950s, Christian Science has been described as a gourmet restaurant with an innovative menu but with no food anyone wants to eat. For the moral tones it set:
Each time, without fail, the group thought they knew the person very well (as in, had heard their name before and had at least a vague idea of their profession), but, in the end, knew almost nothing at all, at least not the most important details of their character, convictions and ...
Both before and after the issue of "The Garden of the Soul", a large number of other Catholic manuals of devotion have enjoyed more or less popularity. In 1617 and 1l618 we have "A new Manual of Old Christian Catholic Meditations and Prayers" and "A Manual of Prayers used by the ...
Having went to the same elementary school as they are my prayer is that as many people who cared about me will care about them. I grew up knowing that the Principal knew my name, that I was welcomed to class with a huge hug, that the lunch ladies were always there to scoop up a ...
These parents have come today to pledge themselves before God and this congregation to raise this child in a way the honors the LORD.” Parental Affirmations to God The pastor then reads the following affirmations (printed in the bulletin for the congregation to read along). After each ...
In our communal enforced solitude we may have just the right hermitage for facing into the truth of ourselves and going deeper into our prayer and silence. In the Winter issue ofHoly Ground,which I wrote before the virus erupted, “Deep personal and communal changes are not something we roll...