Today, we’re going to explore the deeper meaning behind Jeremiah 29:11 and how we can continue to achieve God's plan for our lives. What does Jeremiah 29:11 mean? To refresh your memory, here’s the full verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘...
We are often too quick to judge, to criticise, or to dismiss. I am so grateful for people who saw potential in me: and to God Himself who placed that potential within me. I am deeply indebted to the people who kept on trusting, testing, and investing in me so that the potential beg...
6. Teach Bible verses about prayerthrough teaching a memory verse about prayer. Always clearly explain the meaning of the verse you are using. Use memory methods to help children retain what was taught: Hold a Bible drill with verses about prayer. Put the words of the memory verse to music...
to listen with compassion to the earth’s memory, is to live. Beauty is all around, in the ancient and the new, in places near and far away, in all paths that seek wholeness and peace, in all hearts that hold space for the other. ...
Then Paul brings all to a climax in the 18th verse, telling us that to all else we must add prayer -- constant, persistent, untiring, sleepless prayer in the Holy Spirit, or all else will go for nothing. 2. A second reason for this constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming prayer is...
Borlaug Receives Nobel Prize Uncategorized Supreme Court Justices 20th Century,First Nations,History,Indian,Native Americans,Uncategorized AIM (American Indian Movement) Founded 20th Century,Canada,History,Hockey,omnipresent history,Prayer,sports Minnesota North Stars First Game ...
”It’s been a too long time, with no peace of mind and I’m waiting for the times to get better…….” Songwriter: Allen Reynolds I was meditating on the Lamentations verse this morning and once again filled with thanksgiving that we have this living hope we can stand on. It’s a...
But the saddest will be those who never even get the chance to hear the call because no one share with them the gospel message for their entire life while on earth. May our Good Lord pours His Grace & Fire into Our Souls as long as we have the breath to serve Him for another day,...
whom for our sake you handed over to death. RE-ARRANGING A COUPLE WORDS and ADDING PUNCTUATION makes the text clearer when listening. “you brought us back to be reconciled, O Lord, so that, converted at last to you, we might love one another ...
Storms and squalls have stirred up the waters at times. Interacting with other people isn’t always calm and straightforward. But I’ve been grateful for companions on the journey, including those who have knocked off my rough edges and/or helped me learn lessons I had hoped to avoid! My...