higher position is vacant, and the higher-ups are looking for someone to promote. A list of candidates is rolled in, and you are one of those candidates for the upcoming selection of who to promote. In such a scenario, favor at work is one of the things that you pray for. ...
there are: Cookies; Usage Data; device information; number of sessions; In-app purchases; Application opens; first launches; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA, for example); geography/region; number of Users ; session duration; Application updates...
If you are wondering how to fast, such as for how long, what to abstain from, and what to pray, thesescriptures on fastingwill help guide you on your journey! We have also written a guide to help you choose the t...
Favorite Scriptures Finding a way through the fog Hamburger Hope Humor Interesting Minot Miracles other Political not politically correct Prayers Spiritual warfare This and That writng101 ChristmasFavorite ScripturesFinding a way through the fogHamburgerHopeHumorInterestingMinotMiraclesotherPolitical not politicall...
Pray for the rescue of the persecuted, that they be brought to safety. – Open your eyes and see the evil. Remember the Word Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. – If you do not care, someday, no one will care about you either. ...
more meaningful relationship with the Divine. Immerse yourself in a spiritual haven, where every tap, every scroll, every interaction brings you one step closer to the heart of God. Designed for the devoted soul, this app seamlessly combines time-tested scriptures with modern functionalities to gui...
The story of his life and the history of this orphanage read like a chapter from the Scriptures. The secret of his success was found in this simple statement made by him: “I went to my God and prayed diligently, and received what I needed.” That was the simple course which he ...
John 5:39-40 39You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 40But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life. Your preaching is endless. Your bible studies and fellowship groups are endless. But you ...
These Scriptures are a counter-balance to the common lie both the executive and small businessman misbelieves while making payroll; “I’m paying these guys way too much.” With this in mind, we pray about this strike. Lord, will You forgive the pain caused to Oliver Mining Company by ...
The Dangers of Practicing "Churchianity"- Many black women go to church out of habit and blindly trust every word uttered from the lips of their pastor. This book provides insight into why certain Scriptures are hand-picked to manipulate you. ...