is now facing his own deportation order. “I know that I will only get through this with the support of my community, and particularly of the faith leaders who have walked with me for so many years,” Ragbir said. (RNS)
but it took me months to say the things that I need to say. Indeed, everything has its right time and this is the right time for me to say these.
The part that made me cry was when the daughter finally remembered all the many ways her mom had loved her, made her feel safe throughout the years. How that was so much more important than anything else. I thought of my own mom and how she had done that for me. How many battles ...
We pray Thee too for wand’rers from Thy fold; O bring them back, good Shepherd of the sheep, Back to the faith which saints believed of old, Back to the Church which still that faith doth keep; Soon may we all one bread, one body be, Through this blest sacrament of unity. So, ...
The PrayTell blog post “Prayers of the fA.I.thful” caught my attention last month, and I wondered briefly at the time how A.I. would do writing sacred hymn or song lyrics. A couple weeks later when I read Noam Chomsky’s opinion piece “The False Promise of ChatGPT” (note: it...